A charming original pen-and-ink sketch, entitled 'The Return with the Woman', caricaturing himself, his great-aunt, Adeline, baroness von Roeder ('Tiz') and her tiny,'rat-like', dog.

BRENAN (Gerald).

Ref: ch14.892
Medidas: Approx. 11 x 12cm.

A fragment only, torn-out (by Brenan himself),from a letter of his to Dora Carrington, but not posted. On the verso are eight lines in Brenan's hand describing part of the incident, but crossed-out and which differs from the version finally sent (see below). Brenan devotes a chapter to an amusing account of his aunt and her eccentricities in 'Personal Record', 1974. He stayed with her several times in her London flat and was her heir. In the letter eventually sent, dated Framlingham, August 9th, 1921, he records the incident :- A dreary evening led to a still drearier dinner at the Pall Mall Restaurant. I was not hungry and took only the hors d'oeuvres & the ice. I did not even TRY to conceal my anger, boredom and dismay. She thought I looked ill and suggested we should walk back across the park, to get the night air and save 1/6d taxi fare. We did this, and she tripped along behind me, like the mummy of some ancient Pharonic jade - half skeleton, half beetle, half clock-work, half-human and wholly vampire - with her face all painted and shrivelled,long dirt-marks under her eyes (she never washes), a little rat-like dog rolled-up in red flannel under her arm [but in the sketch the dog is walking] a long swishing silk skirt below, and on her head a black Mrs. Siddons hat. Bloomsnbury Group.
