Mémoires historiques sur les Affaires des Jésuites avec le Saint-Siège , ou l'on verra que le Roi de Portugal, en proscrivant de toutes les Terres de sa Domination ces Religieux Révoltés , & le Roi de France voulant qu'à l'avenir leur Société n'ait plus lieu dans ses Etats supprimer dans toute l'Eglise.

M. l'Abbé C.P. Platel. (Parisot, Pierre-Curel / Père Norbert).

Ref: 23.0307
Editorial: François Louis Ameno,
Ciudad: Lisbone
Año: 1766.
Edición: 2nd edition.
Medidas: 20x25.

7 vols. Vol. I: 5 + 7 + 4 + 75 + xxx + 456 + xl pp. portrait of Joseph I, Roi de Portugal by M. François, after Mme. François, folding map of Malabar and Coromandel (southern India) (lacking engraved portait of Pope Benedict XIV); vol. II: 543 + xvi pp., engraved portrait of P. Robert Nobili de la Marche d'Ancone, Jesuit missionary in India; vol. III: (4 +) xi + 676pp.; vol. IV: (4 +) xii + 639pp., engravings of Wischtnu (Vishnu) and Isuren (Shiva), (lacking engraved plate of "Biruma ou Bramma" (Brahma); vol V: xvi + 646pp. (erroneously printed as 446), engraved portrait of Cardinal Tournon; vol VI: (4 +) xi + 681pp.; vol. VII: (2 +) 2+ vii + 455pp. The author of this extremely hostile history of the Jesuits is the French Capuchin missionary Pierre-Curel Parisot, (1697 - 1769). In 1736 he was was sent to Malabar and later to Pondicherryas Procurator of the French mission and here here conflicted with the Jesuits over the use of the Malabaric rites. On his return to France, his own order turned against him, forcing to go into exile in England, where he opened a Turkish carpt factory in Paddington. The first two volumes recount the history of the Jesuit missions in southern India. Volume III lists the offenses of the Jesuits, touching on their missions in Paraguay, India the Philipines and Canada. In volume IV the author (in third person, as Père Norbert) recounts his battles with the Jesuits in India and France; beautiful engravings of Vishnu and Shiva would appear to be among the earliest western depictions of the Hindu gods. Volume V, the turbulant relations between the Jesuits and the papacy. Volume VI, papal legate Charles de Tournon and the Jesuit missions in China (letters from missionaries in Latin and French). Volume VII, the Jesuits in China (letters from missionaries in Latin and French). Palau (228631) incorrectly dates the edition as 1776. The edition, in French, was published in Lisbon due to Portugal's position as the first European nation (and empire) to supress the Order of Jesus in 1759; by the time it was published, however, the Order had been suppressed in France since 1764. Vol. I., worming in the first half of the volume., ; Vol. II, rodent damage in the lower margin of the first 30 leaves; vol. V, marginal wormhole pp. 177 - 309, pp. 400 - end; Vol. VII, rodent damage in the upper margin of the last 55 leaves. The leather binding of the seven vols. in various states of disrepair. We have attempted to describe the many defects of this set, and it is far from being a good copy. It is, however, complete (apart from the two missing plates), the worming has been treated, so is no longer active (our photos show its greatest extension), and where the volumes are noot affected by the aforementioned defects, the paper is crisp and clean.
