Los Siervos. The Serfs. Traducción de Linda S. Howard. Diseño y dibujos: Mayra Alpízar.

Piñera, Virgilio.

Ref: 17.726x
Editorial: Ediciones Vigía, Colección Aforos,
Ciudad: Matanzas
Año: 2014.
Edición: 1st ed.
Medidas: 21x28.
Paginación: 79pp. 1h.

Text and covers on unbleached paper and card, with hand-trimmed illustrations, and watercoloured details.

Virgilio Piñera (Cárdenas 1912 - Havanna 1979) is considered one of Latin America's finest playwrights and short story writers, but suffered persecution after the Cuban Revolution on account of his homosexuality. This absurdist satire on communisst rule and Soviet Russia was first published in 1955, but was excluded from the editions of his 'Teatro Completo' of 1960 and 2006: the work could now be read as a criticism of Castro's regime in Cuba. It is a mark of the independence of the Vigía publishing house, and the temporary liberalisation of Cuba in the early years of this century that it could be published in Cuba.

Design and illustrations by Mayra Alpízar.

Number 65 of 200 copies.
