A Spanish calligraphic specimen page. An engraved copperplate, giving a pattern for escribanos; lawyers' and notaries' clerks.

SÁNCHEZ (Mateo).

Ref: ch14.1542

For Sánchez, see Rico & Sinobas, p.161, '...fué de los más hábiles de su tiempo; pudo florecer por los años de 1625', and Cotarelo & Mori, 1042 (stating that the Museo Pedagógico has four examples, but not, apparently this one. He is less enthusiastic than Rico about their quality, 'Son de no mal gusto, pero nada sobresalientes'). The chosen specimen text is not without interest, being a royal order dated 4th August, 1610 (a date surely contemporary with the specimen itself and as if from Murcia not Madrid, although Sánchez was of the Congregantes of that city). It is addressed to the town council of Antequera requesting them to facilitate the visit of Don Luis de Miranda y Sarmiento, bishop of Jaén and 'de mi Consejo de Estado', to Murcia where he is to arrest Gerónimo Alonso de Silva, prebendery of the church and the murderers of one Simon de Vrossa, a treasury official. Plate mark, 310 x 204mm., but outside the deckle edge on one side. 18 lines, with long flourishes and connected words so skilfully achieved they appear to be drawn with an unlifted pen, or rather, burin. Watermark of three circles, one on top of the other, the uppermost crowned and with supporters (?griffins), and a cross within. The plate is signed at the foot, 'De la mano de Matheo Sanchez que por un modo breve enseña a leer, escribir, y contar. Recibe pupillos a los c[ha]valles en breve tiempo saca suficientes escrivanos'. A highly accomplished example from the Golden Age of Spanish calligraphy. Very rare. Muestra original grabada de caligrafía.
