For Sánchez see Rico & Sinobas p.161 and Cotarelo & Mori,1042. 20 lines, with flourishes. Leaf size: 311 x 215mm., plate mark just outside deckle edge except along bottom margin. Four sample texts in different sizes: the first a prayer; the second note of a debt paid by Luis de Silva to Thomás Sarmiento; the third an order of payment from the mayor, Miguel de Silva, to Luis del Campo of Torquemada, dated Murcia 4th July, 1625; the fourth a religious text. Neither Rico nor Cotarelo appear to have seen dated samples by Sánchez, nor do they associate him with Murcia, but rather Madrid (see also another specimen page by Sánchez in our bookshop number ch14,1542). Lower left corner torn away but not affecting the engraving, some holing along right margin and with two stains. Very rare. Muestra original grabada de caligrafía.